science Archives | SEAD Exemplars
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Brandon Ballangee’s works are an exemplar of how hybrid projects can both raise awareness through art and produce good research in the process. The projects involve diverse communities of artists, scientists, and local residents to create participatory science programs and art installations showcasing environmental issues,...

Prom Week is an exemplar of how making scientific model playable can enhance the way people learn and how those models are studied and applied. The project consists of a game simulating the social interaction experienced by kids going to prom. Prom Week required developing...

Kiatsu is an exemplar because it made a scientific problem accessible and relevant to the general public. The project combined sound art, anthropological research, and acoustic science to study and represent the lived experience of residents living near and within two Japanese airports. The resulting...

Hypermusic is an exemplar of how arts can be the bridge among experts across scientific fields. The project is an opera in which the music, performances, and story were designed to represent a new model of space-time based on contemporary research and theory. Hypermusic intended...

Hieroglyph is an exemplar of how art and storytelling can rekindle our grand ambitions for the future. The project brought together top science fiction authors with scientists, engineers, and other experts to collaborate on futuristic visions grounded in real insights from science, technology, and a...

The Enemy is an exemplar of how new technologies and experimental storytelling can foster more peace and understanding among people of different backgrounds. The project used virtual and augmented reality to showcase the humanity of fighters in real-world conflict zones, capturing their faces and body...

The IndaPlant Project is an exemplar because it merges plants and robots in a way that creates an automated environment focused on the nurture of the plants.  IndaPlant required adapting innovations from computer science and robotics in order to decode the plant-generated bio-information, and model...

The STEAM Lab is an exemplar that shows how art and cultural engagement increase students’ motivation to further explore the sciences, engineering, technology, and math. Using computer programming, visual art, and music, the lab has successfully engaged minority students with the STEM fields through interdisciplinary...